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Values, Philosophy, and History (VPH)

This area being of such critical importance is one of the main takeaways from my first semester in the Higher Education and Student Affairs Administration Master’s program at SUNY Buffalo State College. Although I have been working in higher education in an administrative role since before graduating from my undergraduate institution, I had never until this past year been exposed to foundational documents such as The Student Learning Imperative (ACPA, 1994), The Principals of Good Practice for Student Affairs (ACPA & NASPA, 1996), or The Student Personnel Point of View (American Council on Education, 1949). Although these foundational documents were new to me, the concepts outlined within, are not. I feel that with my mix of experience in higher education, the person that I have become as a result paired with my absolute lack of theoretical and historical knowledge keeps me firmly seated at an intermediate level of competency for this area.

The highest level of competency for VPH is encapsulated by advancement in five areas: Historical Foundations, Theoretical Foundations, Societal/Cultural Context, Professional Service, and Campus and Civic Engagement (ACPA & NASPA, 2016). For the first two of these five, I am at a foundational level. Having not yet taken History of American Higher Education, I have only the most basic knowledge of the historical contexts of where the profession of “student personnel” originated. While I have studied the foundational documents named above, I know that there is much more to learn before I am able to “demonstrate visionary and forward thinking in the profession based on historical context” (p. 35). I feel the same goes for my understanding of the theoretical foundations. Although last semester I studied the theories of over 50 theorists, my understanding and ability to put these theories functionally into practice is something with which I struggle. It will be a long time until I am aptly able to “develop new philosophical approaches and responsive values of the profession” (p. 35).

When it comes to the Social/Cultural Context, I would consider myself to be at more of an intermediate level. I have a good grasp of how I as a Student Affairs professional have contributed to higher education and to my communities. This area is what draws me to this profession. I feel that what I do is important enough to make a difference, and help others make a difference as well. I am reasonably educated in contemporary social and cultural issues, but I know that where I am is nowhere near where I need to be in order to reach the advanced stage of this area. The Social/Cultural Context of higher education is an area  that is ever changing and growing with our student population as it is reflected in our communities, and in the world. Keeping abreast of these changes and understanding how they affect higher education is one that I feel is of the utmost importance.

The Professional Service area has some overlap with Social/Cultural Context in that it also needs to have an understanding of how we as student affairs professionals are perceived by and present in our communities. Added to this though is the active engagement in professional associations, incorporating publications of the profession into our daily lives, and modeling the responsibilities, principles, and values of the profession with the expectation that our colleagues do so, as well. I would consider myself to be on the borderline of intermediate and advanced here, knowing again that, while I may be doing so, it is not at the highest level that I could be, and that I do so irregularly. I know that this is an area that I will grow in during my time as a graduate student, but will be put more regularly into practice when I am back in the field full time.

Lastly, the Campus and Civic Engagement area is one in which I find growth in every day. This has been the focus of my studies as a graduate student, and will continue to be throughout my studies. One goal of this area is to “actively contribute to opportunities for campus and community citizenship (ACPA & NASPA, 2016, p. 36). This goal, paired with acting as a role model for personal and professional opportunities of civic engagement, a goal from the advanced stage of this area, I feel accurately describes me as a Student Affairs professional. I attempt to take as many opportunities to be involved with my communities as I can with the understanding that forming these bonds with students and other professionals in the field is the reason that I wake up in the morning. Without being engaged citizens, it is inevitable that when we faulter, we have no one there to support us. However, when we are a part of a community be it a campus or beyond, we engage in the propagation of well-being for all. As a part of a greater whole, when we individually inevitably faulter, it is the arms of that community, that are there to hold us up.

Taking the average of these five key areas of VHP, I know that while I am successful in some places, in others I have so much more to learn. My hope is that throughout the remainder of my Master’s program, my proficiencies will continue to grow so that when I reenter the workforce, I will have made good and intentional progress on this professional competency area.

Portfolio Artifacts

In addition to aiding my competency in PEF, HEA 616 American Higher Education also helped to truly situate higher ed's historical context for me. Coming into grad school I feel as though despite my years of practice, I never truly understood where higher ed originated from in this country. Many of my papers and readings in this course deepened my competency in VPH.

In the culminating paper for my program as a part of HEA 625 Supervised Practice II, I reflected on the history that I learned through the program, and tried to incorporate it into my worldview:

Although a bit abstract, I think that this next artifact from HEA 618 Student Affairs Administration demonstrates my understanding of the foundational documents of our profession, of which I knew nothing prior to this program!


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